Standing Split

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Type of pose: Standing, balancing

Benefits: Strengthens the legs, stretches the hamstrings, improves balance


1. Begin in uttanasana.

2. Shift your weight into the right leg and kick the left leg up behind you.

3. Keep the hands on the floor and the hips squared towards the floor.

4. Walk the hands back toward the standing foot, deepening the stretch.

5. Lower the lifted leg and forward bend before doing the other side.

Beginners: Make sure to warm up your hamstrings before attempting this pose. Use a block under your hands if they don’t reach the floor when your standing leg is straight.

Try bending the standing leg, then lifting the other leg a little higher. Restraighten the standing leg while maintaining the height in the lifted leg.

Advanced: Move one hand and then the other to the ankle of your standing leg, increasing the difficulty of the balance.

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